• Chapter History

    The South Carolina Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (SC NSPRA), chartered in 1975, has long been the leader in statewide communication efforts.
    SC/NSPRA has partnered with the State Department of Education, State Education Oversight Committee, South Carolina School Boards Association, and other state organizations to develop communications plans and support materials to address various issues including the initial release of State School Report Cards and various test results.
    SC/NSPRA also worked with the State Department of Education on the Red Carpet Schools program, a family-friendly initiative for South Carolina schools.
    The chapter provides support of educational public relations professionals through four annual chapter meetings, during which members learn about the latest in public relations and can discuss their issues with colleagues.  Beginning in 1996, a joint meeting in the fall with the North Carolina chapter has provided members with new networking and professional development opportunities.
    SC/NSPRA is proud of its contributions to education and excited about the future of education in South Carolina.